Launcelot`s Tourney part 9


Thus were they fighting nigh an hour; for this Sir Mador was a full strong knight, and mightily proved in many strong battles. But, at the last, the knight smote Sir Mador groveling upon the ground, and the knight stepped near him for to have pulled Sir Mador flat-long upon the ground. And therewith, all suddenly, Sir Mador arose; and, in his arising, he smote that knight through the thigh, that the blood ran out right fiercely. And when he felt himself so wounded, and saw his blood, he let him arise upon his feet, and then he gave him such a buffet upon the helm that he fell flat-long to the ground.And therewith he strode to him, for to have pulled off his helm from his head; and then Sir Mador prayed that knight to save his life; and so he yielded him as an overcome knight, and released the Queen of his quarrel. “I will not grant thee life,” said the knight, “but only that you freely release the Queen forever, and that no manner of mention be made upon Sir Patrice`s tomb that ever Queen Guenever consented to that treason.” “All this shall be done,” said Sir Mador; “and clearly I discharge my quarrel forever.”

Whereas King Arthur sat

Then the knights` porters of the list took up Sir Mador, and led him to his tent; and the other went straight to the stair- foot, whereas King Arthur sat. And by that time was the Queen come unto the King, and either kissed other lovingly. And, when the King saw that knight, he stooped unto him, and thanked him; and in like- `wise did the Queen: and then the King prayed him to pull off his helm, and to rest him, and to take a sup of wine. And then he put off his helm to drink, and then every knight knew that he was the noble knight, Sir Launcelot.

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