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Urgent Need for Action to Prevent Violence


Imminent Threat of Muslim Uprising

There is no doubt that failing to implement the proposed measures without delay poses an imminent danger of a Muslim uprising that could far surpass any previous violence experienced in the region. Should Turkish forces encounter defeat in Serbia, it is widely believed that the Muslim population would rise against the Christians, who currently find themselves disarmed and vulnerable. Observations made by Mr. Guaraccino and Mr. Baring underscore the severity of this situation; they remarked that the Bulgarians ought to pray fervently for the success of Turkish arms, as a defeat could result in the eradication of the entire Bulgarian population. This stark statement from Mr. Guaraccino reveals the dire condition of the Bulgarians and the existential threat they face City Tour Istanbul.

Doubts About the Implementation of Measures


Inaction of Turkish Authorities


A Call for Humanitarian Aid

The Turkish authorities have shown a concerning unwillingness to assist those in dire need. In Philippopolis, local residents attempted to organize a subscription to support the suffering women and children. However, the Mutessarif refused permission, claiming that the government was providing all necessary aid—when, in reality, no help was forthcoming. This refusal to allow a charitable initiative highlights the arbitrary and often cruel nature of the Turkish administration. The rationale behind blocking such efforts remains inexplicable, leaving many to wonder why the authorities would deny aid to starving citizens Restrictions and Despair in Klissura.

The Role of Christian Powers

Unless European nations take decisive action, the plight of these vulnerable individuals will continue to worsen. The Christian powers, which once claimed to protect these communities, have seeming

Restrictions and Despair in Klissura


Oppressive Regulations

The situation in Klissura is dire, with severe restrictions placed on the villagers that exacerbate their suffering. They are prohibited from working in neighboring villages, begging, or even visiting friends or family in nearby communities. This oppressive regulation, as pointed out by the Mudir, is not only absurd but also detrimental to the villagers’ livelihoods. Many residents, who once engaged in the manufacture of attar of roses, had small trading ventures that extended as far as Constantinople and even into Asia Minor. With the freedom to leave their village, they could have leveraged their trading skills and credit to begin rebuilding their lives and homes Urgent Need for Action to Prevent Violence.

A Recipe for Starvation

Instead, the villagers are trapped, left to deplete their meager harvests before they spoil. The impending winter looms large, bringing the gr

Reflections on the Balkan War


It should not come as a surprise that war has erupted between the Balkan states and Turkey. The real astonishment lies in the fact that this conflict did not arise many years earlier. Even the most fervent proponents of peace acknowledge that war becomes inevitable when systematic injustice and tyranny persist over prolonged periods.

However, resorting to war is always a precarious choice. At this moment, it remains uncertain whether the actions taken by the Balkan states will improve or worsen their situation. History narrates a poignant tale in such matters Mutual Defense Agreement Between Bulgaria and Greece. In clashes of brute force, the stronger party, all factors considered, tends to prevail. The Turkish army, recognized as a formidable fighting force, poses a significant challenge to the smaller allied states attempting to confront it.

Even if the Balkan states emerge victorious, the use of wa

Mutual Defense Agreement Between Bulgaria and Greece


Article 4

If either of the two governments involved in this agreement declares war on a state other than Turkey without prior understanding and consent from the other government, the latter is released from its obligations outlined in Article 1. However, it remains obligated to maintain a friendly neutral stance towards its ally for the duration of the war.

Article 5

During a joint war, neither of the allied states can enter into an armistice lasting more than twenty-four hours without prior understanding and consent from the other allied state. A written agreement between the contracting parties is also necessary before either of them engages in peace negotiations or concludes a peace treaty.

Article 6

If, after mobilizing their armed forces or taking the field, Greece is compelled to address the Cretan question due to the wishes of the island’s inhabitants and is subsequently attacked by Turkey, Bulgaria commits to providing assistanc

Military Cooperation Pact Between Bulgaria and Greece


Article 2

In the event of Turkey attacking Greece, Bulgaria commits to declaring war on Turkey and mobilizing its forces, totaling a minimum of three hundred thousand men as outlined in the previous article. Bulgaria will coordinate its military actions with the plans devised by the Bulgarian General Staff.

Similarly, if Turkey attacks Bulgaria, Greece pledges to declare war on Turkey and deploy its forces, totaling a minimum of one hundred and twenty thousand men as specified in the earlier article. Greece will align its military operations with the plans of the Greek General Staff. The primary objective of the Greek fleet, in these scenarios Birdwatching Bulgaria, is to control the Aegean Sea and disrupt communication between Asia Minor and Turkey in Europe.

In the outlined situations, Bulgaria commits to launching an offensive with a substantial part of its army ag

Discovering Perge


A Glimpse into Pamphylia’s Higher Site

“Perge, a remarkable archaeological site situated 17 km east of Antalya Centrum, is often hailed as ‘the higher site’ of Pamphylia. This open-air museum, steeped in history, unfolds its treasures behind a captivating Hellenistic gate. The remnants include a 250-meter street adorned with columns, an agora (shopping center), a triumphal arch, a monumental fountain, a graveyard, a basilica, a bath, a 12,000-seat theater, and Anatolia’s best-preserved stadium. Notably, statues unearthed in Perge, now showcased in the Antalya Museum, contribute to making it one of ‘the richest Roman statue museums globally Unlocking Adana’s Tourism Potential.’

The Symbolic Columned Street and Hellenistic Gate

The iconic Columned Street, stretching 250 meters, and the Hellenistic Gate with a round tower stand out as the crowning jewels of Perge.

Unlocking Adana’s Tourism Potential


Insights from Nesrin Gokhan, Owner of Next Tour Tourism and Travel Agency

“Adana, with its rich history, is a region where significant civilizations have thrived for centuries. To fully tap into this potential, local administrations and social organizations should develop tourism projects and present them to investors. Here are key investment proposals:

Establishing a Golf Center in Adana-Karataş Region

Create a second golf center in Turkey by transforming Adana-Karataş into a golfing hub, modeled after Antalya-Belek. This region could host World Golf Championship competitions, activating tourism.

Promoting Akyatan Natural Park for Birdwatching Tours

Position Lake Akyatan Natural Park, known as a Bird’s Paradise, for ‘birdwatching tours,’ a significant segment in ‘hobby tourism.’ Enhance landscaping to attract enthusiasts.

Realizing the Exhibition Area Project

Act on the Exhibition Area proj

Shaping Adana’s Tourism Landscape

Insights from Erol Altun, Aqualand Director, and the General Manager of Seyhan Hotel

A Catalyst for Regional Tourism

“In ’98, the region lacked tourism investments, not just in Adana but throughout. Aqualand was established to address this gap, influencing Iskenderun, Hatay, Mersin, Tarsus, Antakya, and Adana. Aqualand serves as a daily holiday village, meeting the needs of the city’s residents. Over the past three years, our efforts, along with agencies, have attracted Middle Eastern tourists, particularly from Damascus, Beirut, and Aleppo Discovering Perge. We’ve become a preferred stop for Arab tourist groups, offering entertainment before they head to Mersin. Our jazz club competes with those in Istanbul, boasting 12 musicians. Additionally, we feature a tennis club with five courts.”

Emphasizing the Need for Belief and Effort in Adana’s Tourism Potential

“Adana must str

The Golden Age of Calligraphy


17th Century Marvels

In the 17th century, calligraphy reached its zenith, not only elevating Ottoman art but also permeating beyond palace confines to cultivate aesthetic tastes among the people. Ahmed Karahisari and his disciple Hasan Qelebi, who followed the Yakut School in the 18th century, left an indelible mark on calligraphy. Revered as “Karahisari, the victory of calligraphy,” their magnificent works surpassed all styles.

Sultans Embrace Calligraphy 19th Century Renaissance

Even in the 19th century, calligraphy retained its significance within the Ottoman Empire, drawing interest from Sultans themselves. Notably, Sultan Mahmut II Read More about Calligraphy The Dance of Pen and Ink, mentored by Mustafa Rasim Efendi, produced masterpieces for the Chief of Religious Officials building in Topkapi Palace, earning him the title “the Sultan of Calligraphers.”

Turkish Artist

Balkan tours 2018


Galata Tower


Discovering Perge