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Zoe and Theodora part 77

The old foundations were raised and strengthened, or else sunk deeper. On these latter bigger and more ornate pillars were set up. Everything was done on a more artistic scale. with gold-leaf on the...

Zoe and Theodora part 76

182. These acts are of doubtful interpretation — it depends on your point of view — but there was nothing at all moderate about certain other activities which I propose to speak about: he...

Zoe and Theodora part 75

Although an ardent student of all branches of rhetoric, he devoted himself to forensic oratory in particular. When delivering a public speech, he cultivated a style both elegant and pure Attic, but in everyday...

Zoe and Theodora part 74

And as for his acumen, that was proved by the profits he made; by the clever ways in which he saved labour; by the successful and yet economical basis on which he ran his...

Zoe and Theodora part 73

173. I could, if I wished, tell you other anecdotes of this sort about Constantine. There are things which a historian would probably reject, but which a really convincing orator would not disdain to...

Zoe and Theodora part 72

The collector of fines was unrelenting in his demands, for the imperial treasury, as well as the public funds, was concerned in the case. The debtor thereupon demanded an audience of the emperor, with...

Zoe and Theodora part 71

This gentleness was most obvious in his dealings with moderate offenders — I mean by ‘moderate’ those who did no great harm to others. But if he discovered men going so far as to...

Zoe and Theodora part 70

I was not deceived by appearances myself, though, and I knew that he had a temper, and that he held it in check, as a charioteer holds back a spirited horse. So, when the...

Zoe and Theodora part 69

Suppose the historian were allowed to return favour for favour, in the case of someone who had been friendly to him in the past, and suppose he were granted the privilege of perverting the...

Zoe and Theodora part 68

160. As her life drew to its appointed close, when she was on the point of dying, slight changes made their appearance in her normal state of health, signs that the end was near....

Sea Captain


Galata Tower


Art Lover


Zoe and Theodora part 12