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Launcelot`s Tourney part 9

Thus were they fighting nigh an hour; for this Sir Mador was a full strong knight, and mightily proved in many strong battles. But, at the last, the knight smote Sir Mador groveling upon...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 8

And so he came to Sir Bors, and said, “Fair knight, I pray you, be not displeased, for here must a better knight than ye are have this battle; therefore I pray you to...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 7

And so when the King was come with the Queen, and many knights of the Round Table, then the Queen was put there in the constable`s ward, and there was made a great fire...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 6

Many knights anwered him again, and said, “As for our most noble King Arthur, we love him and honor him as well as ye do; but as for Queen Guenever, we love her not,...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 5

“My lord,” said Sir Bors, “ye require me of the greatest thing that any man may require me; and wit ye well if I grant to do battle for the Queen, I shall wrath...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 4

Then I will counsel you,” said the King, “that ye go unto Sir Bors, and pray him to do that battle for you for Sir Launcelot`s sake: and, upon my life, he will not...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 3

And, therefore, Sir Mador, be not so hasty; for it may happen she shall not be all friendless: and, therefore, desire thou the day of battle, and she shall purvey her of some good...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 2

For Sir Gawaine was a passing hot knight of nature; and this Sir Pinell hated Sir Gawaine, because of his kinsman. Sir Lamoracke de Galis: and, therefore, for pure envy and hate, Sir Pinell...

Launcelot`s Tourney part 1

Sir Thomas Malory (Flourished Late 15th Century)Practically nothing is known of this first great writer of English prose romance. Malory`s significance in the development of the English language is, for our purposes, not so...

The Shipwreck of Simonides 1

Phaedrus (15 B.C.?—55 A.D.?)It was the chief distinction of this writer to have collected the Fables of Jesop (or whoever it was who wrote Alsop`s works) and rewritten them for the Romans. His collection...

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