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Zoe and Theodora part 11

26. Such is the method I have adopted in composing eulogies of Constantine, but now that I have undertaken to write a history, this plan becomes impossible, for I cannot bring myself to distort...

Zoe and Theodora part 10

24. Philosophers will tell you that the vain and superfluous are of all things on earth the most despicable. For them the object of life is to understand those things that are necessary to...

Zoe and Theodora part 9

22. Several persons, on more than one occasion, have urged me to write this history. Among them were not only men in authority and leaders in the senate, but also students of theology, who...

Zoe and Theodora part 8

She spoke openly on the subject to her personal bodyguard and household staff, and when she saw that they were unanimous in their support of Constantine as the future emperor — their agreement seemed...

Zoe and Theodora part 7

Alliance with this family conferred on the young man extraordinary brilliance, but he still held no important office. Basil’s advisers, because of the hatred they nursed for the father, vented their spite on the...

Zoe and Theodora part 6

Under the pretence or giving him a more important office, he was posted away from the capital. That biased the empress in his favour and after his recall from exile, he cultivated her friendship,...

Zoe and Theodora part 5

12. Among others who were living at that time was a native of Dalassa (a most celebrated place) whose name was Constantine. He was an extraordinarily handsome man, and it seemed that Nature herself...

Zoe and Theodora part 4

8. The prize-money for the soldiers and the revenues devoted to army expenditure were quite unnecessarily diverted and put aside for the use of other persons — a crowd of sycophants and those who...

Zoe and Theodora part 3

The virtue of well-doing is most characteristic of those who govern, and where discrimination is made, where the particular circumstances and the fortune of the recipients and their differing personal qualities are taken into...

Zoe and Theodora part 2

When all was ready, the other business was carried on. There were lawsuits to be settled, questions of public interest, or contributions of money, audiences with ambassadors, controversies or agreements, and all the other...

Balkan Tours

